Course Development

During the course development, 教师开发人员和教学设计师将在12周内每周会面,根据质量问题(QM)标准设计课程 Quality Matters Rubric (您将在课程开发过程中收到一个完整的注释版本). 该过程的前10周用于开发课程. 教学设计师将在最后两周使用 QM Course Review Management System (CRMS)然后,教师将利用剩下的两周时间根据需要修改课程,以达到85%的质量管理标准. Visit the ETS Quality Matters page for more information about QM.

Additional support is available from the faculty's Library Liaison and the university's Open Education Resources librarian during the process. 他们可以帮助定位开发高质量的低成本/无成本课程材料,以取代或补充传统/昂贵的材料.

Steps of the Course Development Process


Quality Matter Essentials Course Recognition

In 2023, UNA hopes to begin recognizing courses with QM Essential badging. 质量管理要点徽章意味着课程已经完成了质量管理内部评审,该评审使用了质量管理大纲中所有必要的质量管理特定评审标准. If your course is part of an online program, 你也在帮助你的项目走向质量问题项目认可. Please visit the ETS Quality Matters Page for more information about QM and Internal Reviews at UNA.

Course Development FAQs

Course Development Agreement

The course development agreement is an online form and an electronic signature process.   您将被要求登录到您的UNA帐户以提交表格和/或完成签名字段.   Once you have submitted the initial form, 您将收到一封电子邮件,要求您以电子方式签署表格.  The form will continue along to your department chair, associate dean, and the ETS Director for electronic signatures.  Once all signatures have been obtained, 您将收到一封电子邮件通知,并有机会下载签名表格的副本.

What do I need to do to be eligible?

教师开发人员必须在开始新在线课程开发(NOCD)或重新设计过程之前完成“K8彩乐园质量问题准则”(APPQMR)研讨会或“设计在线课程”(DYOC)研讨会. 教师必须在开始另一个开发过程之前完成所有先前的开发.  我们可能会限制每个教员每学年的发展数量.

Which courses are eligible?

Courses that have gone through either the NOCD, 或课程重新设计过程中没有资格通过第二次课程开发过程. 这包括以前由其他讲师开发/在线教授的课程.   If a course has never been taught/delivered online, 它将被视为新在线课程开发(NOCD)。.  如果一门课程过去曾在网上讲授过,它将被视为课程重新设计.  最近在线教授的课程可能不符合重新设计过程的条件. 重新设计资格由系主任和院长办公室与ETS协商确定.     课程必须主要包含教师开发的内容(不是出版商/第三方).  



To initiate the process, complete the Course Development Agreement 并附上教师、系主任和院长的签名,寄给ETS主任,地址:UNA Box 5005.    

How long does it take?


When should I begin the process?

美国教育考试服务中心建议在你期望教授课程之前的学期开始.  您可以在课程开课前12周的任何时间申请,只要开发是在一个学期内进行的.  However, 该程序的接受是先到先得的,并且一学年的发展可能仅限于一定数量.

When will I receive the stipend(s)?

Stipends are paid via EPAF.  EPAFS must be processed prior to the 15th 一个月的休假,以便在下一个发薪期可用.   Stipends that need to be processed after the 15th of the month will be processed prior to the next month.  Faculty developing a new course will be compensated $2500.  提交现有课程进行重新设计的教员将获得1250美元的补偿.  当课程开发协议得到主席/院长的批准,并且教师开发人员与他们的教学设计师完成首次会议时,将支付最初的一半开发津贴. 剩余的津贴将在开发完成后发放, the course meets QM standards at 85%, 教学设计师将课程标记为完成.

What would a typical development process involve?

  1. 教师开发人员和教学设计师的首次会议
    1. 设定会议时间表,10周的截止日期和12周的完成日期
    2. Develop/evaluate course and module objectives
    3. Begin developing course map
    4. Begin QM Internal Review Process
  2. 与教学设计师的额外会议安排/需要创建课程
  3. At 10 weeks, the course should be fully developed, 教学设计师将对课程进行内部审查
  4. 教员根据需要修改课程以达到质量管理标准.
  5. At 12 weeks, the course should be complete
    1. 学院在质素管理课程检讨管理系统(CRMS)完成结果回应表格
    2. Instructional Designer notifies department chair, dean, and ETS director that development is complete
  6. 返回课程开发协议,并最终签署给ETS主任,UNA Box 5005.

Instructional Design During Course Development

教学设计师的主要关注点是在整个课程开发过程中提供必要的支持. They assist in creating course and module objectives, checking for alignment between objectives, assessments, and course materials, and offering recommendations. 他们还会考虑课程材料的可访问性,并将指导您使所有学生都能访问您的课程. Finally, 我们的教学设计师帮助您为您的学生提供您设想的在线课程体验.

UNA Course Development Policy

As per section 5.1 of the UNA Faculty Handbook, “学校要求所有非传统课程都在网上授课, through other technology -based instruction, or via distance education be equivalent to traditional, Campus -based courses in terms of course descriptions, expectations, assessments, and learning outcomes."